Friday, August 17, 2007

Tasting the Wind:

Sometimes facts and figures just don't cut it. Sometimes, you need to taste the wind and say, “Storms A'comin”. To take seemingly unrelated facts (“chatter”) and discern the underlying truths, takes wisdom, humility, an inner voice and dumb luck.

So I will come right out and say it, “Storms A'comin”. By putting this on the web I am going out on a limb, but nothing ventured.............

There are to many little factoids that seem to add up to aggression in a relatively short window. And my inner voice is starting to get uneasy. Between now and the end of the year one of the parties in the GWOT are going to make a move.

Also, I just don't think that W is willing to leave office without one more tilt at the windmill. A modern Don Quixote still oblivious to the results of his actions.

Of course, “Man plans and god laughs”. So all the plans and hubris of both side may never materialize if a hurricane takes out Gulf of Mexico oil production, but.........

A Mexican pipeline bombing showed to much sophistication for a leftist guerrilla group.

Bogus terrorist dry runs

Declaring part of the Iranian army a terrorist organization.

Zbigniew Brzezinski's warning of an American "False Flag" terrorist incident, to rally support for invading Iran.

Right-wing Philadelphia Daily News scribe Stu Bykofsky openly wishing for a second 9/11, "To save America". Then getting major support from other Right-wing media outlets.

The Mortgage credit disaster and the housing bubble, are not that different than the tech bubble that burst just before 9/11. To save the economy do we start another war?

I will say right up front, I am not a fan of the GWOT. I think we spent our time since 9/11 creating an atmosphere that encourages terror and is eroding the constitution.

What I am trying to address here is trying to predict the future, when the parties of importance would just as soon you not know in advance. 9/11 and Iraq's WMD comes to mind. Pre-9/11 warnings were ignored and WMD “proof” contained little of substance.

When tasting the wind, you don't want to actually read the story, that would only allow lies, half truths, misdirection and the writers illiteracy about he subject to distract you.

Who is pushing what world view is the important question. Who is embracing a story? Who is not reporting it? Where is the stories located, on the front page or in a blog?

The problem is that people tend to lie. I'm not talking about “Who shot JFK?” or “Area 51”, but people often have a selfish agenda that is contrary to the good of their neighbors, country and planet.. If they talked about what they were going to do, people would try and stop them, so they lie.

Look at Huey Long

Don't expect the mainstream media to warn you about the future. They are in the business of selling advertising, getting access to politician and not getting sued.